Adult ministry
Adult Bible Classes are offered each Sunday AM. Presently, we offer a senior adult class, two additional adult classes, a young adult class (for college aged through young couples), teen class, upper elementary, lower elementary, and a staffed nursery. Each of these classes meets during our 10AM Bible School hour.
Sunday night programs are currently not being offered..
On the Mark Youth Archery Program is currently not being offered.
Youth Ministry Programs
Bible Classes for youth are offered at 10AM each Sunday, and are grouped in an age appropriate manner.
A fully staffed nursery is available each Sunday morning suring classes & services. Parents are offered pagers for security purposes, as well as to allow volunteers to contact the parents in a more inconspicuous manner during services. We call this special ministry the "Waddlers".
Children in grades Kindergarten through 1st grade are provided an age appropriate learning environment called "3to1 Junction" during our AM services. Volunteers, under the oversight of one of our deacons and our youth minister, provide lessons and activities which stimulate & challenge our students with topics of faith appropriate to their age.
Students in grade 2 through middle school enjoy our Jr. Church program, which provides challenging lessons and activities appropriate to their age. Each of these three ministry areas are provided during our AM assembly, however, children are always welcomed in the assembly with the adults.
Sunday PM programs for youth are currently not being offered.
More information on youth ministry programs is offered HERE.
Missions Programs
Union City Christian Church provides generous support to a number of missionaries, as well as to Johnson Bible College, Louisville Bible College and Kentucky Christian University. We also have an active outreach ministry in our community, offering a number of unique programs and events to reach out with the Good News into our community. In addition to these mission efforts, we also support the following groups:
Pregnancy Help Center. ThePregnancy Help Center (PHC) of Richmond offers numerous support and educational opportunities for parents. Our congregation supports PHC financially in a variety of ways. PHC also provides support and assistance in recovery for women who have chosen abortion and are dealing with guilt and remorse. For more info on PHC, please see Rita or visit their website: Pregnancy Help Center
Builders For Christ men's fellowship. The BFC is an area wide, Christian men's fellowship designed to provide encouragement to area men and to provide financial support to new congregations & church plants within our area. BFC also provides a scholarship to young men from Christian Church/Churches of Christ in our area who are fulltime students in a Restoration Bible College and preparing for full time Christian ministry. For more information on the Builders for Christ, please see Billie Campbell.
Polish Christian Ministries. Union City Christian Church is proud to partner with Polish Christian Ministries (PCM) by providing ongoing prayer and financial support. PCM is actively engaged in supporting Christian ministers indigenous to various areas throughout Poland. To learn more about the ministry of PCM, please check out their website by clicking HERE.
GraceNOW! This special ministry effort provides food & clothing to those in need within our community. UCCC provides financial support on a monthly basis, as well as volunteer assistance on the first Monday of each month..
Benevolent assistance in the form of food vouchers is also provided to those in need meeting certain criteria. We do not provide cash, or assistance with utilities, rent, or money for gas.